Sponsorships Availaible with LSRC Perks

OpportunityRateDiscounted Exhibit booth RateProgram RecognitionVerbal Podium RecognitionDigital Banner RecognitionSpecial SignageLSRC Webpage Recognition (2025)LSRC Social Media Recognition
Single Exhibit Booth$750N/A

Student & Early Professional Luncheon$1,500$500

Leadership & Management Luncheon$2,000$500

LA National Sputum Bowl Team$2,500$500

Seafood Boil$6,000Included
Speaker Sponsorship

Speaker RateN/A

General Information

LSRC Meet and Greet

  • Vendor Registration includes and opportunity to attend the Tuesday Evening Meet and Greet at the Marriott at 6:30 PM. More details coming.

Vendor Registration and CEU

  • Additional vendor representatives may register at the rate of $50 per person (limited to 2 additional representatives).  
  • All vendor ID badges will be located at the exhibit booth in the exhibit hall.
  • CEU requirements
    1. Any attendee requesting CEUs must be current AARC members.
    2. Evaluation forms will be available for each session and MUST be submitted to receive credit. 
    3. Failure to submit post-session evaluation(s) will result in no CEU credits earned/given, there are no exceptions to this policy. 
    4. Non-member vendors may pay an additional fee of $100 to obtain CEUs under the policies outlined above. The fee will include an opportunity to join the American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC).


Hospitality suites: The Board of Directors does not allow hospitality suites to open prior to 6pm, nor remain open later than 11pm, so as not to interfere with the educational program. Your adherence is appreciated.

Location Information

  • Baton Rouge Mariott
  • 5500 Hilton Ave., Baton Rouge, LA, 70808 US

Hotel Reservations: Baton Rouge Marriott Reservation Link

The LSRC "special rate" of $136/night is active until April 4, 2025; then, regular rates apply.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Raymond Pisani at [email protected].

If you require an alternate payment method, please contact Lindsay Michel at [email protected] to request an electronic invoice.  

Register Today


By completing registration, it is agreed that the Baton Rouge Marriott nor the LSRC shall not be held liable for any damage, loss (via theft or other means), or destruction of any exhibit or its contents, whether such loss is caused by the negligence of the host facility, the LSRC, its officers, and/or agents. All claims for such loss, damage, or theft are being expressly waived by the undersigned exhibitor; therefore, agreeing to indemnify and hold the host facilities and the LSRC harmless for any such claims.

Exhibitor/Vendor Information

Any Vendor/Exhibitor wishing to earn CEUs for the meeting must attend the lectures and complete the course evaluation. Please list the names of the exhibitors/vendors attending for your company:

Almost done. Where should we send the confirmation?

RegFox Event Registration Software